Product Desc. (Web copy): Ballast Control Simulator (training platform — offshore oil rigs)
Fidelity Flight Simulation - January 29, 2016
Following is Web and brochure copy for a new product (Ballast Control Simulator) used to train employees on oil rigs and other maritime applications.
Oil Rig - Ballast Control Simulator (BCS)
F2Si’s new Maritime Simulation device is designed to replicate the full range of possibilities found in the complex, dynamic environment of today’s offshore drilling. The Ballast Control Simulator (BCS) is a groundbreaking device that is not limited to a specific class of rig. The BCS has the design versatility, with its touch screen interface that allows the user to switch between different rig class configurations, immersing the trainee in the most realistic environment possible, covering a rig’s most crucial systems and scenarios whether it is a two/four hull semisubmersible, DP or jack up.
F2Si’s all-electric 6 degree-of-freedom motion base design allows for a smooth, quiet, and nearly maintenance-free operation, while the F2Si patented motion base interface provides the sophisticated motion cueing typically found only on million-dollar hydraulic motion bases.
A touch screen console allows the simulator to represent more rig classes at a lower price. Each screen can be designed to meet the specific switches, pumps, valves, etc. on your rig. These devices have the control necessary to operate the mooring system, jack up systems and junction control system to name a few. In the same manner as with flight simulation, F2Si uses their experience with Instructional System Development (ISD) to incorporate the most critical tasks into the simulation device.
The BCS offers a variety of functionality that can be customized to match your needs:
Junction Control System
* Valves (Location, Open status, Failed status)
* Pumps (Location, Running status, Failed status)
* Tanks (Location, Weight, Capacity)
Mooring System (Cables)
* Extend/Retract Length
* Monitor and Manage Tensions
* Prevent or React to Broken Cables
Jacking System
* Conduct Preloading Exercises
* Legs (length, weight, etc.)
* Chords (weight, RPD, etc.)
* Adjust, move/shift, change or add weights to replicate new pipe deliveries, relocating containers on the deck or depleting fuel supplies.
Touch Screens offer reconfigurability between
* Ballast Screens
* Mooring Panel
* Rig Layout
Training with real life situations, from the Instructor Operating Station, the instructor can create emergency situations, such as a punch through, haul damage, negative GM, breaking of mooring cables, severe weather conditions, pump failures, and common errors, etc. IOS captures the responses of the student to normal and emergency situations that can be utilized for playback and student debriefing.
The F2Si Ballast Control Simulator is one the most important training devices for an organizations training program. Whether you are training experienced BSC operators or new employees the BCS will prepare the student for emergency situations in a safe environment. The capabilities of the BCS not only allow the student to learn how to correctly respond, but mentally prepares them for an emergency situation. It is vital that the BCS operator is able to handle the level of stress when encountering an emergency situation to avoid a major catastrophe aboard the drilling rig.
F2SI has successfully replicated a Ballast Control room, and there are more possibilities — drilling chair, rig relocation, dynamic position control, and more.