Company Profile: About Us page (co. website)
Franklin Interiors (office furniture co.) - January 29, 2016
About Franklin Interiors
Franklin Interiors has grown around a vision of being the leader in providing innovative and effective office furniture and flooring solutions.
Franklin Interiors combines architecture, furniture, and technology to create workplace solutions that help people and their organizations work more effectively. We’ve been in business for more than 70 years serving corporate, small business, government, healthcare, and education clients, in western Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Since 1992 the company has more than tripled in size — which means that we’ve grown along with the markets we serve, while adapting to the ever-changing workplace. Technology and the workforce today have transformed offices into dynamic spaces that accommodate collaborative and individual activities, multiple configurations of technology, and the effortless transition between a variety of work modes.
Franklin Interiors is at the forefront of all these developments–the leader in fashioning custom workspaces through office design utilizing cutting-edge virtual rendering, and the most versatile, high-quality office furniture including Steelcase and other top brands.
Molding a workspace to fit a particular organization and the individuals who work there is a necessity today–it’s crucial for attracting and retaining the best talent. More than ever it’s essential to an organization’s identity. We help clients maximize their real estate and future-proof their space with innovative modular solutions, as attractive as they are versatile.
Seeing is believing: Visit the Franklin Interiors showroom, in Pittsburgh’s historic and colorful Strip District, to see how our full range of products and services can be integrated seamlessly providing a custom solution for your space.